Scilly Walks -  18th century house, Samson

Guided tours on foot

Visit more remote sites

Stay longer and see more

A more relaxed alternative

Current schedule & latest news

Scilly Walks -  Quarantine establishment, St Helen’s
Scilly Walks -  18th century house on Teän

Half day trips to Uninhabited Islands

Visits to some of the more out-of-the-way sites, involving beach landings by dinghy or plank (you will probably need to paddle!)

Trips to:

There are trips between April and October - details on the 'Scilly Walks' board on St Mary's Quay or ask at the Tourist Information Centre at Porthcressa

Meet at the 'Scilly Walks' board on the Quay

Trips last about 3 hours

Samson and Tean:

Adults £10.00, children £5.00 - plus boat fare


Adults £30.00, children £15.00 - including boat fare

No need to book

Walking shoes or boots are recommended (flip-flops or similar are not suitable for these trips)

All trips are weather-dependent - the boatmen's decision is final

What will we see?

Click here for details of some of the sites.

More info?

E-mail me at

Scilly Walks -  Landing on Samson
Scilly Walks -  Bronze Age cist on Samson